Conference Presentaions
2024 PE Seminar Presentations​
Zackary Wedding - Valley Bottom Upside above a Longwall Operation
Josh Lord -The Importance of Sampling and Monitoring for Mine Fires & Explosions
Pat Leedy - VA Dept of Energy Mined Land Repurposing Title V Program
Nino Ripepi - Global & Domestic Energy Trends & Carbon Mgmt Opp
Jim Pfeifer - Fine Coal Refuse in Dam Construction & Abandonment
Ben Diddle - Improving the Prediction of Dynamic & Final Horizontal Movements due to Longwall Mining
Dale Hamilton - Lessons from Recent Pillar "Squeezes" in US Coal Mines
44th Annual Conference Presentations
2023 PE Seminar Presentations
Timothy Browning - Impacts of the Big Sandy Crayfish on Permitting in SWVA - Artemis Consulting
Dale Hamilton - Ground Consolidation and Void Fill Products - MSHA
Chris Mark - Development Mining Near Charted Gas Wells - MSHA
Josh Arnold -Application of Measurement While Drilling Data for Mine Blast Optimization - MCPA
Steven Schafrik - Evolve CAPP Mining Technology Assessment - University of KY